Set Master Key

Sets the new master key in the config after rotation.

This command only updates the config file and does not mutate any data. Make sure to rotate the Master Key first.

set-master-key options

Usage: octopus.server set-master-key [<options>]

Where [<options>] is any of:

      --instance=VALUE       Name of the instance to use
      --config=VALUE         Configuration file to use
      --masterKey=VALUE      The new master key to set

Or one of the common options:

      --help                 Show detailed help for this command

Basic example

This example will update the config file for the instance named OctopusServer with the provided master key.

octopus.server set-master-key --instance="OctopusServer" --masterKey="NEW_MASTER_KEY"

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023