Create Azure Service Principal account command

Azure Service Principal account

Command: New-OctopusAzureServicePrincipalAccount

New-OctopusAzureServicePrincipalAccount allows you to create an Azure Service Principal account in Octopus from within a running deployment

-nameName for the Azure Service Principal account
-azureSubscriptionGUID Id of the Azure Subscription
-azureApplicationIdGUID Id of the Azure Application
-azureTenantIdGUID Id of the Azure AD Tenant
-azurePasswordAzure AD Password
-azureEnvironmentAzure Environment Identifier, see Azure Environment Options below
-azureBaseUriAzure Base Login URI, see Azure Environment Options below
-azureResourceManagementUriAzure Resource Management URI, see Azure Environment Options below
-updateIfExistingWill update an existing account with the same name, create if it doesn’t exist


# Targeting the Azure Global Cloud
New-OctopusAzureServicePrincipalAccount -name "My Azure Account" `
                                        -azureSubscription "dea39b53-1ac8-4adc-b291-a44b205921af" `
                                        -azureApplicationId "f83ece42-857d-44ed-9652-0765af7fa7d4" `
                                        -azureTenantId "e91671b4-a676-4cb6-8ff8-69fcb8e048d6" `
                                        -azurePassword "correct horse battery staple" `

# Targeting an isolated Cloud, e.g AzureGermanCloud
New-OctopusAzureServicePrincipalAccount -name "My Azure Account" `
                                        -azureSubscription "dea39b53-1ac8-4adc-b291-a44b205921af" `
                                        -azureApplicationId "f83ece42-857d-44ed-9652-0765af7fa7d4" `
                                        -azureTenantId "e91671b4-a676-4cb6-8ff8-69fcb8e048d6" `
                                        -azurePassword "correct horse battery staple" `
                                        -azureEnvironment "AzureGermanCloud" `
                                        -azureBaseUri "" `
                                        -azureResourceManagementBaseUri ""

Azure environment options

The valid options for -azureEnvironment are available via the following command:

Get-AzureRmEnvironment | Select-Object -Property Name,ActiveDirectoryAuthority,ResourceManagerUrl

Valid Azure cloud names are:

  • AzureChina
  • AzureCloud
  • AzureGermanCloud
  • AzureUSGovernment

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023