
Explore the Octopus Deploy community

We have over 5,000 members in our community. Learn from our CI/CD experts and connect with fellow Octopus users from around the world.

Octopus Deploy team photo
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DevOps engineer's handbook

Everything you'll ever need to know about DevOps. Written by our own DevOps engineers and experts.

Octopus Insiders

Passionate about DevOps? Register your interest to join Octopus Insiders for great benefits and become a DevOps champion.

Getting started with Octopus

Webinars & recordings

Learn about Octopus Deploy and the latest from the world of DevOps from CI/CD experts.

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News and upcoming events

Check out events we are attending in the near future - we'd love to connect with you there.

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Got feedback for the community?

We are always on the lookout for feedback from our users and community members. Contact us here if you have any questions...